How to Install the Key File
If you have purchased this software you have received a key file.
- Just place that key into the same folder the Flair plugins sit in to remove the demo restrictions. Please do not rename the key file! It needs to be named ‘flAIR_ae.key’ !!!
- After you have installed filters and key files please restart your host program. The filters will then show up in the filter menu under the name Frischluft.
How do I remove Frishchluft plugins?
The easiest way to install the plugins for usage with After Effects, Premiere Pro, and the Media Encoder at the same time is to use the MediaCore folder:
- Windows: Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\<version>\MediaCore
- Mac os: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/<version>/MediaCoreThe version string for CC 20XX is “7.0” instead of the expected “CC” or “CS7”.
Alternatively, you can also copy the plugins into the applications plugins folder directly. In After Effects that is the subfolder of the application named ‘Plug-ins’.
In Premiere Pro, it is the folder ‘Plug-ins/Common’ in the application folder.