How many computers can I run my license on?

Each vendor differs on how many computers a license can be installed/active concurrently or moving a license to a new machine.


Licenses can be run on two computers.

Battle Axe

You may install the software on two machines used by a single user.

Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio and Fusion Studio

See the DaVinci Resolve FAQ

Boris FX

The allowance is one license per computer but you can deactivate and reactivate the license to move it to another computer.


See Chaos Licenses FAQ


You can activate your serial on two computers. For example, one desktop and one laptop. However your license is for a single editor, if you commonly have two separate individuals using the plugins then we ask you please purchase two licenses. Volume discounts are available, please contact us for details.

You can deactivate to move licenses to a new computer as many times as you want. Please see this video for details. If you do not have the CoreMelt License Tool shown in this video you can download it here.

Digital Anarchy

You can install your license on two computers, Mac or Windows, but those computers cannot run simultaneously.


As of the September 2022 update, all licenses in Maintenance and Subscriptions now include a complimentary extra seat (1 complimentary seat per customer). Single-seat licenses can now be used on two machines at once. If your license falls out of Maintenance, the additional seat is removed, another great reason to stay in Maintenance. (22 September 2022)


According to our Single-User License Agreement, we do allow users to install iZotope products on more than one machine as long as they are the only person using the software on these machines. So if you need to put your software on a desktop and a laptop you are allowed to do this.


Rendergarden can be installed on one computer but the render nodes are unlimited. Rendergarden has been discontinued.

Mt. Mograph

All purchases of our tools come with a single-user commercial license. This means that each license is valid for one installation per seat. You can use a License Transfer and Logout option, to migrate workstation keys.
# quantity purchased = # of installs/seats

RE:Vision Effects

One non-floating license can be used on one machine, but it can be deactivated and activated to move to another machine.


See the SketchUp FAQ

Synthetic Aperture

Each license of Color Finesse PI is good for two computers at the same time.

Time in Pixels

The license has an activation limit of 3. But the activation is linked with specific hardware, which means that on one specific computer, you can activate the product as many times as you want. This also means that you can use the product on 3 different computers.

Video Copilot

Products can be installed on up to two machines. This includes a workstation and a personal machine or laptop. The product cannot be used simultaneously on both machines by two separate artists. This would require additional licenses. More info.


Waves offers a free 2nd license for any plugin or bundle covered by the Waves Update Plan, to be used on different computers, without having to move licenses between devices.  Learn more


Zaxwerks allows two installations, for instance, a desktop and laptop, provided only one is activated at a time. Note: Zaxwerks products have been discontinued.

See Also: