New: Adobe Substance Designer Version 14.0
Adobe Substance 3D Designer 14.0 offers a range of enhancements that improve user experience, including navigation enhancements, performance optimizations, and a multitude of new nodes. These nodes cover various functions such as color manipulation, Kuwahara filtering, histogram tools, bevel smoothing, directional distance, and more. Explore below for comprehensive details about these updates.
New Content in Substance Designer Version 14.0:
- Nodes Dedicated to Color Manipulation:
- Quantize Color Node: reduces the number of colors in an image and extracts a palette from it.
- Color Palette Nodes (View, Create, Modify): allows you to build your own color palette.
- Apply Color Palette Node: Apply a color palette to another image using an ID map.
- ID to Mask Node: converts an ID map computed by Quantize Color into a grayscale mask.
- This suite of nodes provides all the necessary tools for creating stylization effects with colors.
- Kuwahara Filter:
- For advanced stylization, the Anisotropic Kuwahara Color and Anisotropic Kuwahara Grayscale filters can be used to generate painterly effects.
- These filters apply an anisotropic directional blur that conforms to the image’s details, resulting in an image that appears to flow in the direction of the shapes within it.
The Quantize color and Anisotropic Kuwahara Nodes are covered in the tutorial below. They explain how to use them to stylize materials and work with colors more efficiently and intuitively!
Other powerful new nodes in Substance Designer Version 14.0:
- Curvature Smooth: This updated version supports all tiling modes, adds two new outputs (convexity and concavity), and enhances accuracy and performance.
- Histogram Equalize: This node balances the histogram of a grayscale image by adjusting values for an equal distribution. It has two companion nodes: Histogram Render to display the image’s histogram and Histogram Compute to encode a histogram as a row of pixels.
- Bevel Smooth: This node draws a gradient or flat color from a mask’s borders (outward, inward, or both). Directional Distance is a similar node but creates gradients in specific directions.
- Normal Uncombine: This node is the opposite of Normal Combine. It removes surface details described by a height map from a normal map.
And there’s more. Be sure to check What’s New in 3d Substance Designer 14 and the release notes. Also, please note that the system requirements have been updated. You can find them on the Requirements Tab on the Adobe Substance 3D Collection page.
Adobe Substance 3D Collection for Teams & Businesses
The 3D generation is here
In the Substance 3D ecosystem, smart creative apps and high-end content give you everything you need to make inspiring art. For the beginner and expert alike. The Substance 3D Collection includes Stager, Painter, Sampler, Designer, 50 assets (materials, models, and lighting) per month, 100 GB of Creative Cloud storage, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Fonts, Behance, and Adobe Portfolio.
Adobe VIP Licensing - U.S. sales only
Adobe Substance 3D Collection for Enterprise
Enterprise provides the Substance Automation Toolkit and CAD import in Adobe Substance 3D Stager
In the Substance 3D ecosystem, smart creative apps and high-end content give you everything you need to make inspiring art. For the beginner and expert alike. The Substance 3D Collection includes Stager, Painter, Sampler, Designer, 50 assets (materials, models, and lighting) per month, 100 GB of Creative Cloud storage, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Fonts, Behance, and Adobe Portfolio.
Enterprise provides the Substance Automation Toolkit and CAD import in Adobe Substance 3D Stager.
Adobe VIP Licensing - U.S. sales only
Posted by Michele