
Mocha (113 Tutorials)

mocha Pro Tutorial: 3D Camera Solver and Nuke Pt. 1

mocha Pro Tutorial: 3D Camera Solver and Nuke Pt. 1

July 8, 2013

Imagineer Product Manager, Martin Brennand created this 2 part series demonstrating how mocha Pro's 3D Camera Solve can be used to for 3D tracking to compliment the Nuke workflow.

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Planar Tracking HUDs and 3D Camera Solving – mocha v3

June 30, 2013

An advanced tutorial covering mocha v3’s 3D camera solver and Adobe after Effects. Mary Poplin creates a HUD style graphic in 3D space.

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Webinar Replay: Digital Makeup and Retouching: Using mocha AE/Pro with After Effects

June 28, 2013

In case you missed it, Imagineer recorded this past week’s webinar with Mary Poplin, covering planar tracking techniques for digital makeup and removals.

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Tutorial: Set Up a Wide Angle Point of View Mirror Effect

June 28, 2013

Michal Fibek for AETuts+ shows you a cool trick for creating a POV Mirror Effect with After Effects and mocha. Hint: You’ll need newspapers and masking tape!

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Webinar: Motion Tracking & VFX Webinar – Learning mocha AE

April 26, 2013

Just in case you didn’t catch the mocha AE webinar for planar motion tracking and AE workflows, here is the recording! We hope you learn something!

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In Depth: Motion Stabilization Options, Part 2 of 2

January 31, 2013

Sometimes using a tripod is not an option and you’re forced to shoot hand-held. Maybe you’re shooting in an amusement park, botanical gardens, or a concert and tripods are not allowed in. Unless you have the ability to stand perfectly still, you will likely need to stabilize the footage in postproduction. Motion stabilization is used to smooth footage and remove camera shake.

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Imagineer mocha AE 3.1 and mocha Pro 3.1 Lens Distortion Tips, Calibration Clips, Using Grids

Imagineer mocha AE 3.1 and mocha Pro 3.1 Lens Distortion Tips, Calibration Clips, Using Grids

November 15, 2012

Martin Brennand takes you through how to calibrate a lens with the mocha Lens Module and use it with the new mocha Lens plug-in supported with mocha AE 3.1 and mocha Pro 3.1 – Also covered- using a calibration clip when you do not have enough information in your shot to define the warp of the lens.

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How is mocha v3’s Camera Solver different than AE CS6 Camera Tracker?

June 13, 2012

Imagineer Systems mocha Camera Solve module uses Planar Tracking to solve 3D space for select planes. This means mocha can get a camera solve on difficult out of focus, blurred or obscured shots.  Learn more in these tutorials.

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