CINEMA 4D (660 Tutorials)
Create a Shattering Glass Animation in Cinema 4D & AE – Part 1 Modeling & Animation
December 27, 2012
Post at CGtuts+: “Create a cool slow-motion shattering glass animation using Cinema 4D and After Effects. Over the course of this massive lecture, professional artist Cyril Kotecky will teach you the ins and outs of working with dynamics and what goes into creating such a shot. Including the benefits Pre-Viz can have in the early stages as you block out your shot timing and camera positions.”
New Keyframe Look For Maxon CINEMA R14: What Are Those New Triangle Icons?
November 21, 2012
Nick Campbell at Greyscalegorilla talks about the new triangle keyframe things in Maxon CINEMA 4D R14.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Light Colors, Camera Morph, And Filters
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Plastic Deformation
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Setup Your Interface
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Camera Calibration
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Camera Calibration: Sculpting Tools
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Camera Calibration: Aerodynamics
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Cinema 4D R14 Quick Start Tutorial: Camera Calibration: Shift-C
September 25, 2012
Nick Campbell from GreyscaleGorilla produced several tutorials last week on Getting Started with CINEMA 4D R14 tutorials.
Inspirations/ Tutorial: Video Copilot Element 3D Examples by Serge Mustu
July 30, 2012
Post by Serge Mustu on Vimeo: “Here are some MoGraph like animations I’ve done with Element 3D (plugin from Video Copilot). I broke up the text inside of Cinema4D and imported the models into E3D.”
Tutorial: Tentacles in Maxon Cinema 4D (with Hair)
July 25, 2012
Equiloud explains how to create organic tentacles in c4d with hair. (Update from Equiloud: you don´t have to trick the transparency, just deselect “Render Hairs” in the Generate Tab.)
Fully Dynamic Popping Popcorn Tutorial for Cinema 4D
July 24, 2012
Post at Greyscalegorilla: “In this “Tag Team Tutorial”, Chris and I show you how to model and texture a dynamically popping popcorn kernel and get them to behave like real popping popcorn. Just in time for summer blockbuster season.” Part 1: Modeling, Dynamics Texturing and Animation / Part 2: Baking, Lighting and Compositing.
Cinema 4D Setup Breakdown/ Whiskey Bottle and Glass by Matt Beckham
July 2, 2012
Check out this excellent studio shot breakdown for creating a whiskey bottle and glass tumbler, using Cinema 4D, by Matt Beckham.
Creating Moss, Snow, and Dust With The Falloff Shader in Cinema 4D
June 29, 2012
By Chris Schmidt at Greyscalegorilla: “In this tutorial, Chris shows you how to use the Falloff Shader to create organic effects on your textures. Follow along to make effects like Snow and Dust on your textures that usually only collect on the top of objects.”
Cinema 4D Scene OBJ Export to Trapcode Form
November 11, 2011
How to create a scene in Cinema 4D and export an OBJ and Cinema’s camera, import all this in Adobe After Effects so the Cinema render matches Trapcode Form.