Autodesk (189 Tutorials)
How To Manage Shots in Maya Using Camera Sequencer
November 30, 2022
Sarkamari talks about the Camera Sequencer Tool in Autodesk Maya, for laying out and managing camera shots.
Head on Fire: finalFluid Advanced
November 29, 2022
Learn how to create a Head on Fire with cebas finalFluid, an amazing Fluid Simulation tool for 3ds Max, released this month.
Burning Question: How Do I Fix Rolling Shutter?
November 23, 2022
Learn about Rolling Shutter is, the of Rolling Shutter types you may encounter, and tools to fix this annoying video problem.
Modeling a Parametric Coffered Ceiling: 3ds Max + RailClone
November 22, 2022
In this tutorial, learn how to make a parametric coffered ceiling that allows you to define the size and position using a rectangular spline.
Stable Diffusion in Maya, Free Script #mayamonday
October 24, 2022
Cody Childress has created a free script called CcStableDiffusion that lets you use Stabile Diffusion AI in Maya.
Greyscalegorilla: Displacement Materials in Cinema 4D Using Arnold / Octane / Redshift
October 11, 2022
Displacement materials and textures can change the topography of your 3D model and bring added depth into your render. Chad Ashley and Nick Campbell from Greyscalegorilla show you how to set up displacement in Cinema 4D using Arnold, Octane or Redshift with these tutorials.
Burning Question: How can I create medical animations?
August 25, 2022
Interested in becoming a medical animator? Learn to create 2D and 3D medical animations that help to visualize microscopic mysteries.
Get the Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools 2019-2023 #mayamonday
August 22, 2022
Download the free collection, Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools 2019-2023 from Autodesk. It includes a plethora of useful Maya scripts and plug-ins.
UV Unwrapping in Maya – 3D Robot Model #mayamonday
August 15, 2022
3DWolf shows you how to use UV unwrapping in Maya on a 3D robot to create game assets using Maya, Mudbox, Zbrush, Substance, Unreal Engine, and more.
Building The Matrix City in USD using Maya, Bifrost, and Arnold
May 24, 2022
Building the Matrix City with Technical Specialist JP Giancarlo, covers a typical USD pipeline with Maya, Bifrost, and Arnold.
Rocking out in Bifrost: Modular Crystal Growth System #mayamonday
May 16, 2022
Now, watch the entire three-part series on creating a modular crystal growth system in Bifrost with Autodesk Maya.
Maya: Mesh to Volume [Bifrost Editor] #mayamonday
May 9, 2022
Maximilian Schönherr walks you through the Mesh to Volume node to simply create a volume, as opposed to a surface, in Maya with Bifrost.
UV Mapping: Everything You NEED to know
March 22, 2022
UV Mapping is used in 3D modeling and allows users to use two-dimensional texture coordinates that correspond with the surface on a 3D model.
In Depth: Render Farms / Network Rendering / Distributed Rendering
March 4, 2022
The idea of network rendering is to distribute your render over a network, or farm, of computers, to speed up your render times.
Create a Realistic Kitchen Interior – Pt. 1 & 2
February 22, 2022
Check out this 2 part tutorial series from Chaos on creating a realistic kitchen interior using V-Ray for 3ds Max.