
After Effects (838 Tutorials)

Color Isolation Effect with Magic Bullet Colorista II

Color Isolation Effect with Magic Bullet Colorista II

July 2, 2012

Michele Yamazaki from Toolfarm explains a couple of cool tricks that you can do with color in Red Giant Software Magic Bullet Colorista II, a robust tool made for color correcting footage.&nbsp;</p>

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Michele Yamazaki’s Particles Webinar Replay -June 27, 2012

June 28, 2012

On Wednesday, June 27, 2012, Michele Yamazaki tapped Boris Continuum Complete v8 AE’s state-of-the-art particle system effects to develop and enhance broadcast graphics in Adobe After Effects CS6. Using BCC Particle Emitter 3D and other Boris Continuum Complete VFX filters in conjunction with After Effects’ native 3D camera and lighting systems, Michele made ordinary graphics and titles pop off the screen in 3D particle bursts.

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How is mocha v3’s Camera Solver different than AE CS6 Camera Tracker?

June 13, 2012

Imagineer Systems mocha Camera Solve module uses Planar Tracking to solve 3D space for select planes. This means mocha can get a camera solve on difficult out of focus, blurred or obscured shots.  Learn more in these tutorials.

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Fantastic Facial Motion Capture in After Effects

Fantastic Facial Motion Capture in After Effects

May 14, 2012

Post by Matthew Perks/ AEtuts+. Use puppet pins tracked to motion data from dots on a face to animate a face or other objects in your scene.

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pimp your after effects

Pimp Your After Effects by Stu Maschwitz

November 20, 2011

The always entertaining Stu Maschwitz explains a few ways you can do to get the most out of After Effects. For example, “I set Levels of Undo to 99, because why should I expect to have fewer problems than Jay-Z?”

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Cinema 4D Scene OBJ Export to Trapcode Form

Cinema 4D Scene OBJ Export to Trapcode Form

November 11, 2011

How to create a scene in Cinema 4D and export an OBJ and Cinema’s camera, import all this in Adobe After Effects so the Cinema render matches Trapcode Form.

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Advanced Soft Keying

Advanced Soft Keying

October 17, 2011

Posted by Andrew Kramer at Video Copilot. In this tutorial we will go beyond basic keying techniques with new tips to help preserve small details like dirt and reflections. • Key out footage without eliminating the soft reflections • Composite in 32bpc for more realistic blending

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Digieffects FreeForm AE Tutorial #2

Digieffects FreeForm AE Tutorial #2

October 12, 2011

Mark Christiansen shows you how to make flowing cloth with Displacement Mapping with FreeForm AE.

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Digieffects FreeForm AE Tutorial #1

Digieffects FreeForm AE Tutorial #1

October 12, 2011

Mark Christiansen gets you started with Displacement Mapping with FreeForm AE and shows you how to make some incredible effects with Digieffects FreeForm AE.

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Ocean Water Effect presentation by Aharon Rabinowitz

Ocean Water Effect presentation by Aharon Rabinowitz

October 4, 2011

Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to create this ocean scene in Adobe After Effects with only the tools found in AE.

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How to make a Cinemagraph with Photoshop and After Effects

How to make a Cinemagraph with Photoshop and After Effects

September 27, 2011

An interesting technique where a portion of a still image is animated. Some are very cool, some are creepy! Animated GIFs live!!

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Basic Head rotations using 3D Layers, Distortion Mesh & Expressions in After Effects

Basic Head rotations using 3D Layers, Distortion Mesh & Expressions in After Effects

September 14, 2011

Posted by Daniel Gies on Vimeo: “This is a really quick overview of one method to approach head rotations and Blink animations. It is not a definitive method, but if your character design suites the process it can be quite effective.

I just skim over the expressions and property linking so if you need a more detailed overview of linking sliders to layer attributes check out my earlier tutorial on Using Sliders.”

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Red Giant Quicktip #15: Trapcode Form City

Red Giant Quicktip #15: Trapcode Form City

June 27, 2011

In this Quicktip, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how using Depth Maps to displace Trapcode Form particles can be used to create a 3D Point Cloud Representation of a city.  This tutorial was inspired by the brilliant Trapcode Form work of Jeremy Cox at Imaginary Forces, for the film “Terminator: Salvation.”

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