
After Effects (838 Tutorials)

boris Continuum motion blur

Boris FX Continuum Premium Filter Motion Blur Tutorial #gettingstarted

August 28, 2019

This series of tutorials shows you how to use the Continuum Premium Filter Motion Blur to simulate realistic motion blur or interesting stylized effects, in After Effects, Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, and DaVinci Resolve.

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re:vision effects re:grade basics

RE:Vision Effects: Color LUT in RE:Grade Basics #gettingstarted

August 28, 2019

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics for using RE:Grade in After Effects. You will see how to apply a HALD CLUT and how to customize a LUT and save and re-apply and share that LUT.

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plugin everything handycam

Plugin Everything HandyCam Tutorial #gettingstarted

August 28, 2019

This tutorial shows you how to use Plugin Everything HandyCam to make working with animated cameras in After Effects as painless as possible.

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Burning question batch renamers. image credit; Go to Mr Cup / Fabien Barral's profile Mr Cup / Fabien Barral @iammrcup Avatar of user Mr Cup / Fabien Barral

Burning Question: How Do I Batch Rename Items Quickly?

August 27, 2019

Learn how to rename an image sequence and layers, folders, and more in After Effects and Cinema 4D… quickly and efficiently!

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pq art parts

PQ Art Parts Tutorial #gettingstarted

August 27, 2019

This tutorial shows you how to use Luma Mattes & interpret footage with PQ Art Parts in After Effects. Use PQ Art Parts to add an artistic painty or inky look to any layer.

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Game of Thrones Cheap Tricks Parts 1 & 2

Game of Thrones VFX Parts 1 & 2: Cheap Tricks with Hashi

August 22, 2019

Red Giant has a fun new tutorial from Hashi of Action Movie Kid. Parts 1 and 2 walk you through several great tricks to make your VFX look spectacular.

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black veins

Black Veins Effect From Stranger Things (After Effects Tutorial)

August 13, 2019

Yannick and Jordy at Cinecom.net have a super fun copycat tutorial explaining how to make the black veins on Billy in Stranger Things. There’s a lot of tracking and null…

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burning question: What is Reverse Stabilization

Burning Question: What is Reverse Stabilization?

August 5, 2019

Reverse Stabilization is a compositing workflow where you stabilize the shot, then composite, and finally, you bring the motion back into your shot.

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aec4d pro overview

Lasse Lauch AEC4D Pro Overview

August 1, 2019

Watch this overview to learn how AEC4D Pro optimizes the workflow between Cinema 4D and After Effects.

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boris fx webinar replay 2019.5 siggraph preview

Boris FX Webinar Replay: 2019.5 Releases (SIGGRAPH Preview)

July 31, 2019

In this webinar replay, learn about all the new features inside Sapphire, Continuum and Mocha Pro 2019.5, from Ben Brownlee, the new Director of Learning and Content at Boris FX.  You may remember him from Curious Turtle training videos.

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mamoworld beatedit tutorial

Create Beat Markers with mamoworld BeatEdit Tutorial #gettingstarted

July 25, 2019

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use mamoworld BeatEdit create beat markers for animating to music in After Effects.

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particle illusion premium filter 4 part tutorial

Boris FX Particle Illusion – 4 Part Training Series

July 23, 2019

Boris FX has just made Particle Illusion a standalone Premium Filter.  If you’re new to Particle Illusion you’ll want to check out this 4 part training series from Ben Brownlee, VFX artist and Curious Turtle trainer, that will get you up and running in After Effects with this powerful particle generator in no time.

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What in the heck is bokeh?

In Depth: What in the Heck is Bokeh?

July 18, 2019

Bokeh is a type of defocus or lens blur where the blur takes on the shape of the lens diaphram. We explain how to pronounce the word, how it is created, and show lots of cool examples. Also, a few plug-ins to create a bokeh in post-production.

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Topograph for After Effects Overview #gettingstarted

July 11, 2019

In this tutorial overview, learn how Topograph for After Effects works to create the topography and how to manipulate the settings to get the look you want.

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after effects upside down look tut

After Effects: Stranger Things-Inspired “Upside Down” Look + Free Project files

July 9, 2019

In this tutorial from Rocketstock, you will learn how to create a Stranger Things-inspired “Upside Down” look in After Effects. Plus, you can easily follow along with the free project files.

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