
All Tutorials (3143 Tutorials)

VFX and Chill | Dark Nolan Rises

VFX and Chill | Dark Nolan Rises

July 28, 2023

On today’s VFX and Chill | Dark Nolan Rises, Hashi and Seth use Cinema 4D, After Effects, and Red Giant tools to create Hollywood vfx

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X-Particles xpShatter Recursion - Top Tip Tuesday

X-Particles xpShatter Recursion – Top Tip Tuesday

July 27, 2023

Learn how to use X-Particles xpShatter Recursion with a step-by-step of setting up dynamic layers of shattering that trigger recursively.

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extrudalizer artwork mapping tutorial

Artwork Mapping with Extrudalizer

July 19, 2023

This tutorial explains the two ways of mapping artwork to the front or back of an extruded shape in Extrudalizer, and when to use which.

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3d cellphone in extrudalizer tutorial

3D Cellphone with Extrudalizer

July 19, 2023

This tutorial shows you how to animate a 3D mobile phone complete with dynamic, shaking and falling icons using Extrudalizer for After Effects.

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FumeFX Drone Aiming & Firing

FumeFX Drone Aiming & Firing – 3ds Max & Arnold

July 18, 2023

Learn how to create a drone that is firing lasers at a running robot using FumeFX 6 for 3ds Max. Plus, plant scattering and sand creation.

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text force and layer force tutorial

Create Automated Animated Captions in Premiere Pro and After Effects

July 18, 2023

Learn how to use Marco Sanasi Text Force and Layer Force to quickly and easily create automated animated captions in Premiere Pro and After Effects.

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Redshift: Learn Redshift For Cinema 4D In 40 Minutes

Redshift: Learn Redshift For Cinema 4D In 40 Minutes

July 18, 2023

Cinema 4D Master Trainer Marc Potocnik of renderbaron teaches you through the basics of Maxon Redshift for Cinema 4D in just 40 minutes!

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Create flower animation in bifrost and maya

Create Flowers with Bifrost in Maya #mayamonday

July 17, 2023

Markus P. demonstrates how to create flower blossom animation in Bifrost with Autodesk Maya. Create the petal animations and point scatter.

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sustainable 3D

Rendering a Greener Future with Sustainable 3D Materials

July 14, 2023

Nick shows you the power of the new Sustainable 3D materials in Greyscalegorlla Plus, using a beautiful scene created by 3D Artist, Bjerkhof.

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Creation VHS Effects for After Effects #gettingstarted

July 12, 2023

A tutorial for using “Creation VHS Effects” – an After Effects template for giving your footage the look of an old, damaged VHS tape.

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How to Create your own Shadertoy Modifiers in Autograph

How to Create your own Shadertoy Modifiers in Autograph

July 12, 2023

Learn how to create ShaderToys by editing the code and parameters in Shadertoy for Left Angle Autograph.

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Ebberts + Zucker MotionMonkey :45 Sec Tut

Ebberts + Zucker MotionMonkey :45 Sec Tut

July 11, 2023

With Ebberts + Zucker MotionMonkey for After Effects, quickly and easily create complex multilayered animations from your original layout.

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Generate Hundreds of Unique Personalized Product Videos in After Effects

Generate Hundreds of Unique Personalized Product Videos in After Effects

July 11, 2023

Generate hundreds of unique personalized product videos using Lockdown for tracking and Templater for versioning in After Effects.

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text-to-speech modeck

Create Automated Text-to-Speech Templates in After Effects with MoDeck

July 10, 2023

With MoDeck, create automated text-to-speech Mogrt templates in Adobe After Effects, allowing you to automatically generate voice overs.

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3D Modeling for Beginners - Cinema 4D

3D Modeling for Beginners – Cinema 4D

July 5, 2023

E.J. Hassenfratz of eyedesyn and his design assistant Gus walks you through 3D modeling for beginners with Cinema 4D.

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