25 VFX Elements for Your Render Engine of Choice
VFX Elements: VDB Smoke Trails 2 has 25 incredibly realistic VDB Smoke Trail animations which you can load into any render engine/app that supports them such as Blender, Octane, Redshift, Arnold, Houdini, Cycles and many more. We also include the null/spline data so you can easily add a 3D object that will follow the trail.
Choose your Engine
Incredible flexibility
These can be used in any render engine or 3D app that supports VDBs!
Choose Your Resolution
All 25 elements come in 2 versions: a lower quality one for faster renders and an incredibly high quality version for hero shots.
Incredible Realism
Includes Easy to Use Position Data
Includes null position data so you can easily add your objects and they will follow the smoke trail.
25 Fully 3D Smoke Trail VDB Animations for Any Render Engine!
(Numbers start at 26, because this is a continuation of Smoke Trails 1)
As a bonus, for some extra value, we’re including a pre-rendered stock footage element of every smoke animation. They’re 1920×1080 .exr files which have an alpha channel. They’re great if you’re in a hurry and want to just have some smoke trails to throw into After Effects and use as a 2D, pre-rendered element.
Below Tutorial from Smoke Trails 1 will show you how to use the included spline proxies!
System Requirements
Any application that supports VDBs like Octane, Redshift, Arnold, V-Ray, Houdini etc.
Lots of hard drive space and fast internet!