High Quality character models for Maxon Cinema 4D. Our textures are all 4500×4500 pixels to give you great quality and high-level detailed-UV maps included.
- Complete rig model, total control of the skeleton, including commands for facial expressions and Morphing, all at your fingertips thanks to the visual selector.
- You can change effectively the facial features with simple commands Morph, and add the hair, change the color of the skin
- You can change the texture of the main character (PSD inside with including the separate layers). UVMap 4K (4500×4500 pixels)
- Various access ories and interchangeable clothes, apply with a simple touch, including the Rig or specific commands.
- List of additional objects in detail: hair, hat, sweatshirt, sweater, shorts, jeans, shoes type A, type B shoes, helmet, Jetpack, watch, belt type A, type belt B)
- Ability to comfortably use the commands “level”, to enable or disable the controller, the skeleton, the mesh or various elements, as well as other settings.
- Command to scale in a simple project and it can be put anywhere with the desired scale.
- Complete rig model, total control of the skeleton, including commands for facial expressions and Morphing, all at your fingertips thanks to the visual selector.
- Includes a large and sophisticated control system that allows the model to be modified at will, including the sub-commands specific to various parts of the body, everything DRIVEN BY AN HANDLY VIEWPORT INTERFACE.
- Includes an assorted set of commands Morph to change the appearance of the modelIncludes an assorted set of commands Morph to change the appearance of the model.
- Ability to activate Stretching, hide limbs, round or dissolve the model, activate an effect customizable grid.
- Ability to activate the dynamics model.
- Ability to activate the rebound effect belly.
- Possibility to replace with a simple command-screen, the material of the model with three preset examples: standard, plastic or clay
- Possibility to change the base color with a slider.
- Ability to comfortably use the commands “level”, for example, to turn on or off-screen controllers, the skeleton, the mesh or various elements, as well as other settings.
- Command to scale in a simple project and it can be put anywhere with the desired scale.
- (List of additional items in detail: Christmas hat, tie, bow tie, top hat).
- Hi Poly model
- Complete rig model, total control of the skeleton, including commands for facial expressions and Morphing, all at your fingertips thanks to the visual selector.
- Robot’s mechanical rig to prevent “unnatural” movements.
- Specific commands for individual mechanical parts.
- Possibility of “lengthening” of neck and head.
- Spring effect on movements.
- Simple control panel to reset the controller of the character.
- Command to scale in a simple project and it can be put anywhere with the desired scale.
- 2 Customizable weels
- Complete rig model, total control, with a simple skeleton by controller, all at your fingertips thanks to the visual selector.
- Special controls for facial expressions and Morphing to change
- the appearance of the model.
- Controls dedicated to each “branch” and “root” of the ‘tree
- Ability to turn off the leaves, or replace them with a specific command.
- Two different kind of foliages.
- Command to activate the dynamics of the model, connected to branches and other parts
- Ability to comfortably use the commands “level”, to enable or disable the controller, the skeleton, the mesh or various elements, as well as other settings.
- Simple control panel to reset the controller of the character.
- Command to scale in a simple project and it can be put anywhere with the desired scale.
- Complete rig model, total control of the skeleton, including commands for facial expressions and Morphing, all at your fingertips thanks to the visual selector.
- Rich set of accessories.
- Connect any object to the character’s hand wiht one click
- Possibility to replace the head with three preset primitives or replace with any 3d objects.
- Various access ories and interchangeable clothes, apply with a simple touch, including the Rig or specific commands.
- List of additional objects in detail: blackboard, stethoscope, recycling symbol, bow tie, tie, cloak, megaphone, case work, magnifying glass, parchment, notes, coins bag, wrench, firefighter’s helmet, helmet job, hat, hat graduation
System Requirements
- Maxon Cinema 4D R13 – R20
- Prime | Broadcast | Visualize | Studio
Change Log
Character Animation in Cinema 4D
This is a webinar with Jonas Pilz where he explains how to animate a shark. The shark model can be found on Turbo Squid.
More...Cartoon Heart Character Modeling, Rigging, and Texturing
EJ Hassenfranz of Eyedesyn explains how he modeled, rigged, and textured a cute little candy heart in Cinema 4D. EJ has made a lot of tutorials about character animation, so you'll see a lot of his stuff here today. So, thank you to EJ for being a great teacher and for being so willing to share his knowledge!