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v1.0 Stupid Raisins Slide Pop for FCPX

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Stupid Raisins Slide Pop for FCPX


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Stupid Raisins Slide Pop for FCPX

20 Custom View-Master Effects & Transitions for Final Cut Pro X

Slide Pop is a pack of 21 customizable Final Cut Pro X effects and transitions pack inspired by the sweet vintage View-Masters of our childhood.


What Can I Do With Slide Pop?

The vintage View-Master from your childhood’s past is back and it’s highlighting special memories to full effect!  The sweet throwback feel is real with the included authentic View-Master sound effects!  Create a classic vintage look and feel with Slide Pop, get into it!

Easy to install. Easy to use.

Slide Pop is distributed through FxFactory. Once FxFactory is installed you’ll have a demo to play with and you can buy securely from Final Cut Pro X. Just download and install FxFactory, restart Final Cut and you’ll have Slide Pop at your fingertips.

To use Slide Pop just drag and drop the effect or transition on your footage. You can find Slide Pop under Effects and Transitions under the category name Stupid Raisins.


Plug and play or customize. It’s up to you!

If you’re in a hurry just drop Slide Pop onto your media and you’re good to go. If you want a custom look just use the simple controls to tweak.

What’s included?

  • 21 effects & transitions
  • 10 color presets
  • Over 10 customizable controls
  • Authentic View-Master sound effect
  • Help documents
  • Help videos


This product requires Noise Industries FxFactory to run (Free Download).

Please refer to the FxFactory page for updated system requirements.  FXFactory Pro is a paid version with the same system requirements as the free version.

Please Note: This product works exclusively in Final Cut Pro.


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