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Listen up, creative pros! We know keeping track of every new tool, plugin and update in the vast universe of VFX, 3D, motion graphics, and audio is tougher than animating a herd of unruly CGI bunnies. Plus, get information on the latest sales!

Key Benefits of Subscribing to Toolfarm’s Newsletter

  1. Our newsletter is like having a team of industry insiders working around the clock to separate the wheat from the chaff, so you don’t have to. Twice a month, we’ll serve up the biggest sales, hottest releases, juiciest updates, and most mind-blowing freebies and tutorials on a silver platter. It’s like having a personal assistant, but way less demanding.
  2. But wait, there’s more! Soon, you can opt for our specialized 3D, Audio, and other targeted newsletters that drop a few times a year with the really big announcements. Think of it as a VIP pass to the latest and greatest in your favorite creative realms.
  3. We pinky promise to never sell your info to shady third parties or relentlessly spam you with unwanted emails. You can unsubscribe anytime, no hard feelings. We’re cool like that.

Hot Tip: Don’t let our newsletter get lost in Spam!

You can pre-emptively add sales@toolfarm.com to your contacts or address book to keep our newsletter from getting picked up by your spam filter.

If our newsletter ends up in spam anyway, it’s an easy fix.

  1. Go into your email’s spam folder
  2. Find our newsletter and click “Not Spam” (or something similar.)
  3. This will train your email program to determine what is spam and what is not. Our newsletter isn’t spam!

Subscribe to Toolfarm’s Newsletter

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to our newsletter today and join the ranks of the creatively elite (or at least the creatively well-informed)!

Twice a month, get info on new products and updates, demos, beta tests, tutorials, tips, events, sales, and more.


Gmail Users:

How to add the Toolfarm newsletter to your main inbox.

  • On a desktop computer: Click on your main inbox. Then click and drag the Toolfarm newsletter email to the Primary tab.
  • On a mobile device: Click those three dots in the upper right corner of our email. Then, click “Move To,” > “Primary.”

Apple Mail Users:

At the top of our newsletter, click on our email message, next to the “From” field. Then, choose “Add to Contacts” or “Add to VIPs”.

Here are more tips on keeping your wanted email out of spam from How to Geek.

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